Art is the connection between what is spoken and what is unspoken.
Art is the connection between what exists in reality and what exists only in the mind.
Art is a conversation of the soul.
It connects us, draws us into and leads us into a communion without spoken words. Art is more than just a visual representation. It spans all borders, all boundaries, all languages, and all cultures. Art can be created by anyone no matter how old, how young, experience or no experience. This is the beauty of art.
You don't need a degree to create nor do you need one to connect with it. It is as much for the novice as it is the experienced. Art can be anything and everything. The interpretation is left up to the viewer to decide what it means.
As artist we can communicate what it means to us in that moment of creation but, from that point forward it is continuously adapting, evolving to connect with the next person and the next. It is never still and it is never silent.
People who do not know each and do not speak the same language can still find connection together through art. It is an experience that binds and imprints upon us in a moment.